Teen Idles

Teen Idles

Teen Idles

Size 1.37 Mb
Bitrate 160 kbit/s
Duration 1:11
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics Teen Idles

Life has been the same for a long time
Go to scholl and witness the crimes
Go home and see it on the evening news
Then we got nothing to do
If there were a concert we would go
Usually end up watching the prime time shows
Hours in front of a t.v. set
Were as idle as teens can get
Teen Idles, Teen Idles
Fuckin bored to tears
Teen Idles, Teen Idles
Waste of 20 Years
Teen Idles, Teen Idles
Doin nothing all day
Teen Idles, Teen Idles
Nothing to do anyway
Hanging out at the record shops
Go to a concert the boredom stops
Went to the Bavou they said "no"
Youre not 18 you cant see the show
Went to a movie it was o.k.
Dont want to do it everyday
Hours in front of a t.v. set
Were as idle as teens can get
[ Teen Idles Lyrics ]
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