

Last Words To Heaven

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Bitrate 192 kbit/s
Duration 3:20
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics Last Words To Heaven

Rain washes away all what might have been. suddenly it came, I didnt have a chance to make amends. downpour on my soul leaves me in despair. how I watched you dwindle away, sorry for never saying...your blood seeps into the soil like rain. now something inside will never be the same. I never had the chance to say last words to you. clear skies seem so far away now. so much left never talked about. I never had the chance to say last words to you. sorry for never saying...will this storm ever set me free? i cant change how things used to be. I never had the chace to say last words to you. the rain is full of ghosts tonight. so much regret still left inside. I never had the chance to say last words to you. I am sorry for never saying
[ Last Words To Heaven Lyrics ]
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