Sear Bliss

Sear Bliss

The Haunting

Size 14.74 Mb
Bitrate 256 kbit/s
Duration 8:03
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics The Haunting

[lyrics by Janos Barbarics]
Your memories torture you with pain
They hurt you, dont they?
Spasm of pain, are you sweating?
They dont leave you alone
with the loneliness of your mind.
Who is that? Who does speak?
You could embrace with one movement
but it has gone!
Your brain, in front of your body.
Do you feel your consciousness in your hand,
and the similarity with one movement?
It has come back! It speaks!
Everything is moving again!
Are you growing weaker?
Its face has been satanic!!!
But the Dreamsoul strikes down
Your living wraith.
The world ebbs, abates, calms down
Whats going on?
You seem tired and confused
but tomorrow is already near!!!!
What is this silence?
You will never know...
What tries to stay in silencearics...
[ The Haunting Lyrics ]
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