Suicide Silence

Suicide Silence

...and Then She Bled

Size 9 Mb
Bitrate 320 kbit/s
Duration 3:55
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics ...and Then She Bled

This is 911 whats your emergency?
Send the police, send the police!
Whats the Problem there?
The chimp killed my friend
Whats the problem with your friend?
help please!
Whats the problem with you friend i need to know
Bring a police with a gun, with a gun! hurry up!
Who has a gun?
Please hurry up!
Hes killing my girlfriend
Whats the problem?
Hes killing my friend
Whos killing your friend?
My chimpansy!
Oh your chimp is killing your friend?
Yes! He ripped her apart. Hurry up please!
Theres someone on the way.
With guns Please! Shoot him!
Whats the monkey doing? tell me what the monkey is doin'-
He ripped her face off!
He ripped her face off!?
Hes trying to hurt me. Please please hurry!
Okay i need you to calm down a little bit there on there way. can you push yourself away? i dont want you getting hurt.
I can't! Hurry up! Listen to me!
There on their way ma'm.
You gotta shoot him please! Please Hurry hurry.
Are you there with your friend? i need you to help your friend. Can you go help your friend?
I can't. He tried to attack me now.
Is he still there with your friend?
Okay. well then back off and don't get any closer okay? there already on there way.
if the monkey maves away from your friend let me know. so we can try to help your friend.
No, no i can't shes dead. Shes dead!
Why are you saying that shes dead?
He ripped her appart.
He ripped what appart, her face?
oh oh i think im gonna fate i think im gonna fate.
no no listen just breath. okay?
Listen to me, please, please hurry. Oh My god they gotta have their guns out! Listen to me! Oh my god. (Breathes Real heavy)
[ Suicide Silence Lyrics are found on ]
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