

Djupa Sinn

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Bitrate 256 kbit/s
Duration 5:40
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics Djupa Sinn

kom in i mitt djupa sinn
l?t din vilja bli min lag
bes?tt min sj?l med rent hat
min handlingar styrs till min sista dag
m? m?rkret vara f?r evigt
l?t ljuset aldrig n? oss mer
dr?nk all gl?dje dr?nk all sorg
f?rpestade blir bara fler & fler
?ppna ditt sinne f?r ondskan
s?nd dom kristna ?t dess ?de
br?nn ner alla kyrkor till aska
s?lj din sj?l till d?den
[English translation:]
Deep Mind
come into my deep mind
let your will be my command
possess my soul with pure hatred
my actions are controlled until my last day
may the darkness last forever
never let the light reach us again
drown all joy drown all sorrow
the poisoned only become more and more
open your mind to the evil
send the Christians to their fate
burn all churches to the ground
sell your soul to death
[ Djupa Sinn Lyrics ]
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