Imperial Crystalline Entombment

Imperial Crystalline Entombment

Convulsing Frigid Death

Size 6 Mb
Bitrate 242 kbit/s
Duration 3:27
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

Lyrics Convulsing Frigid Death

Itll come at night, while you sleep
When you wake itll be too late
Sirens, foreboding, emergency
Winds will roar like never before
Panic, screaming, chaos, family disown
Every man for his own
Buried, in snow, frozen
Demons advance, you have no chance!
Tunnel, dig and search for meaning
Fingers black and cracked and bleeding
Near the top you can hear the screaming
Hordes of creatures, dead and steaming
Ice bound cities surrounded by snow
Storm cloud spirit apparitions grow
Wincing eyes, through hail, you see a face
Too late now, the serpent tongue you taste
Steal the breath from you
Collapse and turn blue
Gasping your last breath
Convulsing fri-gid death!
Itll come at night, while you sleep
When you wake itll be too late
Sirens, foreboding, emergency
Winds will roar like never before
Panic, screaming, chaos, family disown
Every man for his own
Buried, in snow, frozen
Demons advance, you have no chance!!
Tunnel, dig and search for meaning
Fingers black and cracked and bleeding
Near the top you can hear the screaming
Hordes of creatures, dead and steaming
Uuuuuaaaaah, Uuuaaaahhhhh, Uuuaaaahhhhh
Gasping your last breath!
Uuuuuaaaaah, Uuuaaaahhhhh, Uuuaaaahhhhh
Convulsing frigid death!
[ Convulsing Frigid Death Lyrics ]
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