Don Henley

Don Henley

Miss Ghost

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Bitrate 320 kbit/s
Duration 6:42
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics Miss Ghost

On a misbegotten, moonless night
I stumbled in my door
Disgusted with my circumstance
Soaked to every pore
When floating from my bedroom
Came a moaning and a sigh
?Oh, I've had one too many
It's just the wind,? says I
I lit up a cigarette
And I poured a good, stiff drink
You see, I needed to compose myself
I needed time to think
No sooner had I settled down
The moaning came again
Drifting through the silence
Like some otherworldly violin
I bounded up the staircase
I went slippin' and slidin' down the hall
You know, I've been around the whole, wide world
But I was not prepared at all
Uninvited visitor, unsuspecting host
?Well, I see you've made yourself at home.
Good evening, Miss Ghost.?
You're more beautiful than ever
I feel just like a kid
And I commence to trembling
When I think of all the things we did
Skin as pale as marble; lips as red as blood
Imagine my surprise, my dear
I thought that you were gone for good
You look so lovely lying there
All stretched out on your back
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