25 Ta Life

25 Ta Life

Over The Years

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Bitrate 192 kbit/s
Duration 2:05
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

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Lyrics Over The Years

This song goes out to you always lookin out this ones for you. For those who believe in you this ones for you. To those who piled on those who sang along. This ones for you. Those who come to shows its all about friendship. Cause thats what it all comes down to. Those who booked a show or do a zine we believe in you. Forever the spirit remains. To those who represent its clobberin time in the pit. To those who started it to those who stick to it. Our appreciation this ones for you. Today a new breed carries on open your mind cause its a diverse scene. Its up to you to keep it alive and those that do this ones for you. It up to you to get involved to the new breed this ones for you.
[ Over The Years Lyrics ]
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