Serj Tankian

Serj Tankian


Size 8.64 Mb
Bitrate 320 kbit/s
Duration 3:46
Added 1 September 2011 user Iron Man

Watch clip Electron

Lyrics Electron

We follow the ever-falling rain,
Electrons protons fight again
So we run,
We follow the ever-rising sun
With feelings of all becoming one,
Then we fly,
We fly in our dreams ever so bold,
Swimming the seas covered with gold,
Behold, proceed
Proceed with the blessing of all the gods
Amidst the time of men at odds,
See, believe!
Tell me, what it is that we believe
The storm shines bright
Tell me, what it is that we believe
The storm shines bright
Storm shines bright
Grapevines of thoughts lining the skies,
Ovewhelmingly of demise
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